What’s the point of being called Enviro-Foam if we didn’t fully live up to our namesake?
It’s no secret that we’re on Green mission to make sure that our business practices don’t in any way harm the wider environment.
Te foam we produce is completely free of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), a substance which has been scientifically proven to greatly harm our precious ozone layer.
If you’re worried about the impacts of man-made products on the future of our planet, you can trust that we’ve done the legwork in ensuring that Enviro-Foam does its part to minimise our footprint.
We’re pushing for a greener alternative in the foam production industry and we encourage you to join us in this creating a more sustainable future.
Enviro-Foam exclusive whole of product life policy: when you have finished using any of our products, we accept the responsibility of ensure the environmentally sensitive recycling of our product. All you have to do is return the item to us, and we take care of the rest.